Sidoman Asset Finance Loan is a loan for members looking to acquire an asset. This loan gives you the flexibility of owning and utilizing your asset while having the convenience of paying for it over an extended period of time. Your dream car, land or house can become a reality today.
Sidoman Murabahah Asset Finance Loan is tailor made to suit your asset acquisition needs whatever they may be. we also assist our members to get the best deals in insurance cover for their newly acquired assets. Finding the perfect policy at the best price for your asset can be a difficult affair. We take care of your asset acquisition process from financing to insurance making your process of acquiring your plot, house of vehicle easy, fast and worry free. We facilitate our members in the acquisition of assets in the following fronts:
For all our members looking to acquire a personal or commercial vehicle we have something for you. We also offer affordable insurance for your private and commercial vehicles. We offer financing for acquisition of vehicles for use as:
Acquiring land or building a house is a capital intensive endeavor. It could take years of savings in order to get to that point. You should not wait years to acquire your dream home. Our Murabahah Asset Finance Loan enables you to acquire the land or house of your dreams today. Visit us today to find out how we can get you closer to your dream.